OST2 Questionnaire

The following questionnaire will help us adapt OST2 to your environment and give us more chances to help you take the right decisions.
Most of the questions are obviously for IT-related persons (IT Manager, developer), but they are not required.
* - Required (No obligation, no sharing your personal info.)

Contact information:


Please tell us more about your IT environment:
My company is using these Outlook or Exchange versions:



How many workstations would you like to backup?

Please enter the approximate number:   


Are these workstations located on the same network (LAN)?



What other OST conversion solutions are you using?

Please enter the details below:   


What OST2 Enterprise Edition features are you interested in?

In what customization options would you be interested in?


Please describe your sample OST to PST conversion scenario:


Other details:
Are you interested in these customer support options?



What is your budget?

Please enter the approximate budget and specify currency (e.g. 1000 $):   


Is there any time-frame you want the solution to be implemented?
Please enter approximate start and due dates below:

Start:       Due date: 


Additional notes to our staff:

Informations sur le produit
Essayez-le gratuitement
Sans engagement. Annulez quand vous voulez.

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Acheter OST2 Achetez Maintenant Le logiciel en qui avoir confiance

Sync Microsoft Outlook


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Témoignages de clients
4.9 - 651 critiques
J’ai utilisé la version professionnelle pour migrer les données d’OST en PST. Ça a formidablement fonctionné, rapide et sans problème. J’ai dû poser une question au support technique sur la..."
John voir plus